Crafting a Fulfilling Future

The people in my life can be categorized into four groups. Firstly, there are those who find fulfillment in their careers, whether in conventional roles or ones they've crafted themselves. They've discovered a field or work they're passionate about and are fully immersed in it, finding joy in what they do.

Secondly, there are entrepreneurs who have established businesses and are diligently working. While they may not express the same level of passion, they've developed or adopted effective systems, which they execute with precision, yielding success.

Thirdly, there's a growing number who have chosen to opt out of conventional paths, relishing the freedom to pursue their interests, albeit with the stress of financial responsibilities. Then, there's me. I’m opting to opt out of all of it.

I'm not attempting to solve their dilemmas, nor was it my intention. However, my interactions with friends in these categories, coupled with my observations of the world, have led me to contemplate the future of economics. As I engage in endeavors I'm passionate about and delve into intriguing subjects, there's always the familiar pull to monetize my work, driven by the necessity to provide for myself and my family—adulting.

Yet, the more I converse with friends, business partners, and acquaintances, the more I notice discontentment with the status quo of work-life patterns that clash with personal values. This reinforces my belief in resisting external pressures and striving to create a world where people can live and work authentically.

This commitment extends to conducting thorough research, applying my findings meaningfully, and developing projects and solutions aligned with my own desired lifestyle which is not that much different from what people want for themselves. On the website of my think tank, there's a motto: "Building our future." Some argue that I should focus solely on building my own future, but I believe our lives are interconnected, and it’s evident that many share similar aspirations.

While challenges abound due to prevailing work paradigms, I'm determined to pursue work that brings me joy, shaping a life according to my terms. I share this not only to encourage myself but also to inspire others. Pursue what brings happiness—despite flaws in current economic models, it's possible to design a lucrative, fulfilling life tailored to individual desires based on how you want to live. We all get to design our lives.

Countless individuals thrive in unconventional pursuits, demonstrating that there are countless paths to “success”. So, follow your instincts, prioritize happiness, prioritize joy, and just do it! Because, believe it or not, success sucks.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

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