Are You Breathing?

Are you breathing?

This year, I’ve focused on simplifying my life. As I prepare for some of the most important work of my life, I realized it would be helpful to streamline my personal life as well, both for my well-being and to create more room for focused work and the elusive joy.

With this goal in mind, I’ve been taking more frequent quiet moments for myself. I started by taking walks or finding a quiet, cozy nook to sit and reflect. I've come to really enjoy these moments—perhaps a bit too much. One of the oddest things I’ve noticed during these quiet times is that, with the noise and busyness dissipated, I realized I wasn’t breathing. 😳

Yes, I wasn’t breathing. The more I paid attention to this, the more I realized how bad my breathing was. As I started to focus on my shallow and irregular breathing habits, I became even more aware of the moments I was not breathing at all. Humans and other living organisms breathe involuntary. This means our bodies take care of the breathing without us needing to consciously think about it. However, I think we all should be thinking about this. So these days, the question I most often ask myself is, “Are you breathing?”

I don’t even ask if I’m breathing properly. That’s an entirely different question, and we might not agree on what that means. Our understanding of proper breathing varies based on culture, athletic training, and lifestyle. This is something I hope to explore more throughout the year, as it has become a healthy habit of mine to constantly ask myself, “Are you breathing?”

So let me ask you, “Are you breathing?” Before we do anything, let’s simply breathe.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

Are You Eating?


Crafting a Fulfilling Future