Are You Sleeping?

When our body is in the process of restoring, rejuvenating, and energizing, it's crucial to pay attention to rest, rejuvenation, and our body's own energy cycle. I am keenly aware of this and have been closely monitoring it because I understand that I won't be able to complete the scope of work I've outlined for myself if I'm not well. Furthermore, I realize that I cannot be well if I am not getting enough sleep. Therefore, a simple question I've been asking myself a lot lately is, "Are you sleeping?"

Personally, I function better as a human being when I get the rest I need. It's essential. There was a time in my life when I subscribed to the "no sleep" ideology that affects many entrepreneurs and individuals in business, or anyone striving to achieve specific goals. Many embrace this campaign as a source of motivation, questioning, "What will you do with the 24 hours you have?" Having set and achieved goals, experienced success, and endured failure, I've learned something invaluable: "I am going to sleep."

The specifics of our successes and failures are irrelevant. What truly matters is our well-being, how we treat others, and finding joy in our experiences. Even amidst pain and struggle, I believe we can find peace and joy. However, this is impossible for me when I'm not well-rested. When I find myself experiencing doubt, sadness, low energy, or negative reactions to things and people, and I ask myself if I'm sleeping, the answer is usually no. From there, I know the solution for me is sleep.

So, are you sleeping? Before we embark on anything, let's ask ourselves that question. Let's ensure we are well-rested, rejuvenated after a productive day of work, and equipped with the energy we need to navigate through our day. Let's allow our bodies the time it needs to do its work naturally and without interruption.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

Are You Playing?


Are You Moving?