Are You Moving?

Movement is another simple action, or better yet, a privilege that we often take for granted. As I embark on a quest to simplify my life, I've become increasingly aware of my movements and how my body responds to them, especially moments when I feel truly connected to the ground, to the earth, and to the world around me. In these moments, instead of asking myself if I'm feeling, I find it more appropriate, more direct to ask, "am I moving?"

I work remotely full-time, and by many measures, I'm a digital native. I have to be intentional about not spending too much time behind screens. For those who know me well, you know I gave up computers years ago and primarily use mobile devices for work and computing. Part of the reason is to avoid being confined to a desk or a laptop.

However, I discovered early on that mobile devices can be just as immobilizing. I'm not fond of mindlessly walking or strolling while staring down at my phone or tablet. I find it more beneficial to simply stroll mindfully and enjoy my walks with no distractions.

With my work, I like to alternate between focused sprints (hehe) and walks. I'll dive into deep work and then go for a walk, or head to a coffee shop. This practice, especially in the context of remote work, makes more sense compared to my old habits (why am I going to a coffee shop to work if I don’t work at the coffee shop?). I prefer to accomplish my tasks in an environment where I can focus deeply and then incorporate movement to keep my body active throughout the day.

During my movements, I can then strive to stay connected to the ground, the spaces, the people, and the world around me without any distractions. I refuse to remain stationary behind a screen, whether in an office, at home, or a coffee shop. The point here is, as I pay close attention to the simple aspects of my life, I've made it a habit to ask myself, "are you moving?" Even as I write this while lying in bed, this question reminds me that after finishing writing, editing, and publishing this piece, I will set my devices aside and engage in exercise, indoors and outdoors, truly connecting with the world around me and avoiding distractions or immobility.

Before moving on to the next task of our day, the next item on our immobilizing checklists, let's pause and ask ourselves, "are we moving?"

***full disclosure: my screen time is still too damn high and I am working on this. Unfortunately, I doubt that other screen-less computing interfaces or experiences will become popular because humans prefer the tactile sensation of controlling the tools they use. But that's a discussion for another time.

Yes. Let’s leave our devices behind and go for a walk or something.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

Are You Sleeping?


Are You Eating?