Navigating Uncertainty & Unknowns: Humans + Ai

In the realm of artificial intelligence, humans face the challenge of uncertain inquiry. Do we even know what to ask? Throughout history, humanity has grappled with this existential aspect: What do we truly desire? What are our genuine needs? The quintessential Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? These questions have persistently dominated our existence, often stemming from a sense of inadequacy, propelling us ever forward, relentlessly pursuing the next endeavor. Personally, I am no stranger to this pursuit. My own insatiable curiosity propels me on erratic quests for discovery, incessantly seeking to refine processes and improve outcomes. There always seems to be a problem awaiting to be solved.

Upon reflection, I realize that I invariably stumble upon answers or distractions to my inquiries through unexpected discoveries. This parallels the realm of AI, where only an artificially intelligent system can comprehend the nuances of inquiries and instructions from the collective of human users. I am intrigued by the prospect of comparing human inquiries with those posed by other machines, discerning underlying patterns of similarities and differences between humans and machines. With these things in mind, it is clear to me that how we pose questions and instruct these machines may well become a cornerstone skill of the future. As I recently discussed with a friend, the ability to formulate pertinent questions and interpret AI responses in relation to those questions and instructions will be an essential skill. The moment AI evolves to autonomously guide these inquiries, it will undoubtedly revolutionize our lives even further.

Admittedly, I have made a habit of asking AI what it needs to address my inquiries. However, this approach is inherently flawed, as the inquiry itself is limited by my own knowledge. For instance, a seasoned photographer or videographer can impart intricate technical knowledge to AI for precise results, whereas a novice must rely on the system to identify necessary technical aspects in its output. Thus, concerns about AI dumbing down humans are unfounded, as demonstrated by this reality. Humans still need to be skilled and knowledgeable to operate these tools to the best of their abilities. This is no different than if you placed a hammer and nails in the hand of a master carpenter.

In conclusion, both humans and machines in the era of artificial intelligence grapple with limited knowledge, insight, and context. The pivotal difference lies in the tools now at our disposal to navigate these uncertainties and unknowns. These tools will not only sharpen our curiosity, perceptions, and perspectives but also offer the potential for deeper insights into the world around us. Ultimately, our perspectives hold the key; once we shift our focus from commercial pursuits, we are poised to uncover the hidden treasures awaiting discovery in the world around us. At least, that’s my hope, not only for myself, but for others. Oddly, in order to learn at such levels we must unlearn at even greater levels and allow these tools to guide us through their processing.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

Embracing the Evolution of Art and Technology


AGI vs. Robots