From Inspiration to Impact with Oaks + Oars

My journey towards founding Oaks & Oars, a think tank focused on addressing the climate crisis, began unexpectedly yet profoundly in a library with my daughters. As I randomly picked up Bill Gates’ book, "How To Avoid A Climate Disaster," the first few chapters illuminated the gravity of the situation. This pivotal moment sparked a realization: the urgency of climate change demanded effective action beyond mere acknowledgment of its scientific facts. It became clear to me that whether we took effective climate action or not, the people most impacted would be those who are already the most marginalized. This understanding dawned on me as I read the book. I realized that even if we found some amazing solutions, the most marginalized would still bear the brunt of the consequences. This dynamic is evident even with the development and deployment of artificial intelligence. Without taking a holistic approach that considers equity, equality, and justice for all of humanity, our solutions to the climate crisis may inadvertently exacerbate existing problems for much of the world.

Despite the inherent challenges and the challenge of transitioning careers at my age, the clarity I gained from Gates’ book propelled me to make the daring choice to pivot professionally for the third time. Conversations with my then team lead only affirmed my conviction as I weighed the significance of working on climate solutions against other impactful causes.

With my commitment solidified as I transitioned from a passive observer to an active advocate, with newfound determination, I delved into the intricacies of the climate crisis, recognizing the need for multidisciplinary approaches to effect meaningful change. My vision crystallized around the establishment of Oaks & Oars, a dynamic, decentralized organization dedicated to reshaping societal perspectives and driving policy innovation at local, regional, and global levels.

Grounded in values of love, justice, and mercy, Oaks & Oars operates at the nexus of humanity and nature, emphasizing the importance of collaborative solutions that preserve both people and the planet. My mission—to challenge existing frameworks, pioneer new ideas, and foster social cohesion—guides our endeavors, while a commitment to tangible impact ensures relevance in a rapidly evolving landscape. I truly believe that the answers we need, the solutions we need, are already within the natural environment around us, waiting for us to discover, or in some cases, they lie in being aware of the importance and value of our natural environment so we can stop our destructive habits and work towards preserving our planet.

Through strategic leadership, research and development, project management, policy advocacy, and stakeholder engagement, Oaks & Oars is poised to lead the charge in leveraging artificial intelligence for sustainable development. With a focus on aligning technological innovation with the United Nations Sustainability Goals, my role within the organization exemplifies a dedication to driving transformative change through collaboration, innovation, and advocacy.

In essence, my journey from a chance encounter with Gates’ book to the establishment of Oaks & Oars embodies a commitment to addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time, driven by a passion for positive change and a belief in the power of collective action. I believe we can shift away from mere advocacy and towards effective action for true changes in our society that preserve, protect, and provide for both the planet and its people.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

Charting a Course for Sustainable Action: