Unlearn to Move Forward

As I embark on a monumental task, I am reminded of the vast amount of knowledge I need to acquire and unlearn. Our histories, sciences, and collective knowledge are plagued by inaccuracies stemming from poor understanding and lack of context. In the age of artificial intelligence, profound discoveries will necessitate a willingness to abandon our preconceived notions and beliefs to adapt and effect meaningful changes based on these revelations. Moreover, significant changes will require us to detach ourselves from our economic system to make a genuine impact on human lives and the natural environment.

For various reasons, I have cultivated the habit of repeatedly reminding myself that we, as a society, have created everything we have. It’s a sobering realization that much of what surrounds us, what we find in our books, fiction, and even our textbooks, is simply absolute nonsense. I am eager to dedicate considerable time to undoing the work of others, not for the purpose of shaming or seeking personal ego gratification, but as a collective endeavor to propel humanity forward, shedding the collective bullshit that hinders our progress.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.


Be What You Love


Life, Rhythm, and the Joy of Writing Again