Time Is A Human Construct

Time is a human construct. It emerged from our observations of celestial bodies and their movements. We connected these movements to their effects on Earth, leading us to believe that shadows cast by these bodies could measure their movements and determine our position in the vast universe. We named this measurement “time.” However, this measurement is constantly inaccurate, and the methodology was flawed. I don’t intend to convince anyone that this is wrong and I’m right, but I’ll share more about this later.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.


Yes, I Am Black.


Self-Governance: Resilience, Unity, and Cultural Empowerment