
I recognize the power of "no". It liberates me from uncomfortable situations I wish to avoid. "No" enables me to maintain focus on the people and things that truly matter to me, those that are my priority.

Even with those who hold significance in my life, I frequently wield the power of "no". Lately, my children have been fixated on passwords, constantly requesting access to various accounts. My response remains consistent: "No." Their disappointment is evident, yet I can't help but think that they fail to realize that "no" serves as my true passcode. Yes, I do explain the "why" behind my "no" to my children. This helps them understand the concept of privacy and responsible online behavior. But, "No." I value the potency of this simple two-letter word, a barrier that shields me from countless unwanted intrusions.

I've also cultivated the practice of saying "no" to myself. While declining others is, in a sense, declining oneself, I take it further. I regularly reject my own impulses. I consider myself to be exceptionally creative, often generating more ideas than the average person. Consequently, I frequently deny myself. This aspect of my character is why I find solace in maintaining websites and reviewing them regularly. If an idea doesn't fit within the framework of my sites or social channels, the answer is likely "no". My workload is already extensive, spanning a lifetime, so "no", I don't have time for additional pursuits.

Surprisingly, I hold deep respect and appreciation for the power of "no". As someone who frequently makes requests, I am accustomed to receiving rejections, which don't faze me in the slightest. Years of experience in sales have fortified me against the impact of "no". In fact, I often persist and find that very few individuals remain steadfast in their refusals. Yes, I do use my rational mind and I am respectful of others' boundaries. Recognizing genuine "no" and not pushing boundaries is necessary and crucial. Armed with this knowledge, I am committed to consistently exercising my own "no's", ensuring that my life remains focused, clear, and free.

Join me in saying it aloud: "No".

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

Mastering Focus + Avoid Distractions


The Future of Work