Just Do It: My Motto

I often hear people sharing their feelings, and if those feelings are negative, it's usually because they either did something they didn't want to do, didn't do something they wanted to do, or did something but not the way they wanted to. I'm very in tune with others and their feelings and how they are often linked to one of these scenarios. In my own life, I not only tell myself but also make myself just do it. Do what you want to do, because if you don't, it will leave you drained and with a sense of failure. It will leave you with a feeling that isn't real—you're just making yourself feel that way because you didn't do what you were supposed to. So, just get things done. Just do it.

I don't profess to have secrets, but here are my keys to getting things done. First, don't think about things twice. I think for a living, and my rule of thumb is not to overthink. I consider something once, and then I'm done. It's either I'm going to do it, or I'm not. Chances are, if I'm thinking about something, I'm thinking about how I'm going to do it. When I'm done thinking about it, I just do it. If I have to think twice about it, I might as well not do it and move on to the next thing that needs to be done. Overthinking only drains me and leaves me with a sense of failure or another negative feeling I don't want such as regret, frustration, or disappointment.

Secondly, it's crucial to know what you're not going to do. Take some time to think about your standards, preferences, boundaries, wants, and needs, and don't think about them twice. Note them and live according to them. Your preferences are your preferences for a reason. Don't compromise your boundaries, negotiate for what you want, and make sure your needs are met. Just do it. Taking action and prioritizing your wants and needs can contribute to a positive emotional state.

Finally, and this is a major key, we all make everything up. We literally made everything up. If something didn't come from a seed or a complex protein, some human or group of humans made it up. Therefore, you can just do it. Just do the damn thing and stop talking yourself out of it. There's a strong connection between our actions and feelings. Not doing what we want or doing something poorly can lead to negative emotions.  However, negative emotions can also come from external factors. Taking action and prioritizing what matters to us can be a powerful way to feel good. Thank me later. Cheers! 🥂

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.


Prioritizing Joy