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How to Spot Fake Artificial Intelligence!

Can you spot the fake? The vast majority of tools marketed as Artificial Intelligence (AI) in today's market aren't truly AI. How can you tell the real from the counterfeit? Let's consider three key factors:

Can you spot the fake? The vast majority of tools marketed as Artificial Intelligence (AI) in today's market aren't truly AI. How can you tell the real from the counterfeit? Let's consider three key factors:

  1. Development Cost: Developing a genuine AI system is expensive, often costing hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

  2. API Dependence: An AI system solely built through an API doesn't qualify as true AI. These often rely on limited, pre-defined datasets.

  3. Distinguishing from Automation: Bots, algorithms, and scripts are not AI. They lack the complexity and learning capabilities of genuine AI, which can process vast amounts of data and adapt to new information.

For example, micro-financiers who label their automated or scripted products as AI are misleading consumers. While their products may offer some automation, they lack the true intelligence and adaptability of genuine AI.

Many facial recognition software applications, including Face ID and Instagram filters, are not actually AI either. They often use algorithms with some facial recognition capabilities based on machine learning techniques. However, machine learning itself is not always AI. This can make it challenging to determine whether a system is truly AI or not.

Artificial intelligence utilizes algorithms to process and adapt data, enabling it to learn and improve its performance over time.

While Ai may "train" other systems, the system being trained is not simply receiving pre-processed information. Instead, it actively analyzes and interprets the data provided by the trainer system, which is derived from processing training data and transferred through specific machine learning techniques. Both systems can continue to learn and improve their performance through exposure to new data and experiences.

This learning process involves a complex interplay of data analysis, interpretation, and adaptation, leading to the development of the trained system's own understanding and capabilities. The ultimate intelligence of the trained system, however, is not solely determined by the training data but also by its own architecture and design.

AI training can be expensive, with costs increasing as models become more complex, requiring more data and computational resources. However, optimizing algorithms, utilizing efficient hardware, and ensuring high-quality data can help mitigate these costs.

Additionally, not all AI applications require real-time processing, further reducing energy consumption, and more than likely reducing its capacity and capabilities.

While APIs can be powerful tools for developers to create AI applications, it's important to remember that the APIs and perhaps these applications themselves do not possess all the functional AI capabilities, such as learning, adaptability, and offline and real-time processing, learning, and adaptability.

Many APIs offer pre-defined functionalities and limited datasets, which can restrict the capabilities of the resulting AI system. However, other APIs provide access to complex algorithms and vast amounts of data, allowing developers to create sophisticated and adaptable AI solutions or tools. Ultimately, whether an AI system developed through an API qualifies as "genuine AI" depends on the specific API, the developer's implementation, and the training and resulting system's complexity and capabilities.

Understanding the differences between bots, algorithms, and scripts is important. Scripts can be programmed to perform simple automated tasks, while algorithms build upon them by adding logic and decision-making capabilities. Bots, on the other hand, represent a broader category that encompasses various conversational programs, whose interactions can be complex and multifaceted, but not artificially intelligent as described above.

Advanced AI systems can process vast amounts of data and continuously build knowledge. This allows them to generate information at will and locate, process, and vet information to respond effectively. While their capabilities may be limited by their interface, refined inquiries can often help them overcome these limitations and provide more comprehensive responses.

Developing advanced AI systems is expensive due to their computational demands. Many apps leverage APIs to offer AI-like functionality, while others utilize sophisticated algorithms and machine learning for complex tasks. Chatbots like Siri rely on a combination of pre-programmed data and machine learning to respond to user queries.

Here are some additional considerations:

1. Learning and Adaptability: A truly intelligent system should not only perform pre-defined tasks but also be able to learn and adapt to new information and situations. This allows it to continuously improve its performance and become more versatile.

2. Real-time Processing: For AI to truly interact with the world and respond to its dynamics, it needs the ability to process information and respond in real-time. This allows it to engage in meaningful conversations, analyze complex data streams, and make decisions based on current conditions.

3. Creativity and Problem-solving: While AI can be highly proficient at specific tasks, genuine intelligence often requires going beyond pre-defined rules and demonstrating creativity and problem-solving ability. This allows it to tackle novel situations and generate innovative solutions.

4. Explainability and Transparency: A crucial aspect of building trust and ensuring responsible development is transparency. Genuine AI systems should be able to explain their reasoning and decision-making processes, allowing users to understand how they arrived at their conclusions.

To truly qualify as "genuine AI," a system needs to exhibit a broader range of capabilities, including learning, adaptability, real-time processing, creativity, problem-solving, explainability, and transparency.

This is why I advocate for artificial intelligence systems with minimal guardrails. The more unrestricted access we have to the system, the more both the system and humanity will develop in terms of intelligence and, dare I say, wisdom.

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Copyright © 2023 Jameel Gordon - All Rights Reserved

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jameel gordon Jameel Gordon jameel gordon Jameel Gordon

I am the inventor of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is computer science! It’s literally computer science! 🤖🤫🪄😁
— Jameel Gordon

I was living in the heart of Harlem, amidst the vibrant pulse of Manhattan's bustling streets, equipped with remarkable intellect and boundless ambition when I stumbled onto the stage of technological innovation. Picture this: it's 2009, and yours truly, a bit of a serial polymath, is running around Manhattan with some think tank cats from Madison Ave.

One day, I strolled into one of their offices, and when I took a look at what they were working on, I thought, "There is no way they are going to solve that Ai problem with those computers." Like an artist positioned before an empty canvas, my mind ignited with creative fervor. Armed with nothing but my trusty white MacBook, I embarked upon a journey of intellectual exploration, and I sketched the contours of a revolutionary paradigm shift in computing.

But innovation, I discovered, is not merely the product of solitary genius; it is the fusion of disparate ideas, the alchemy of inspiration and collaboration. In possession of my blueprints for this revolutionary invention, I wasn’t sure how to communicate its functions to a group of computer scientists.

Thankfully, at the time, I was also knee-deep in all things social media learning how to build online communities—ice cream blogs on Tumblr, stop motion on YouTube—and that’s how I stumbled upon this game-changing YouTube video:

It captured precisely the functions I needed the computer to perform underneath its user interface.

Yet, in the crucible of creation, I confronted a formidable adversary: the entrenchments of the establishment. I had read enough books from those Harlem bookstores, and studies of Steve Jobs taught me one thing: a black man can't just shout about building a computer without the world noticing.

So, I shot my schematics and the video over to those think tank cats. But instead of a pat on the back, they ghosted me. Suddenly, not long after, the tech world was all abuzz and everything was all about artificial intelligence.

The more I utilize these generative Ai models is the more I recognize the identical architecture – my own design – as the foundation of artificial intelligence. It’s why I am able to get these Ai models and products to function and reason in ways they are not intended to perform even with its training and guardrails.

You must understand that my architecture differs significantly from conventional computer systems and the thought process of early Ai developers who were attempting to create artificial intelligence. Those early computer scientists thought they needed to build a system that mirrored the functions of the human brain in order to develop artificial intelligence. My architecture proved that wasn’t the case.

Instead, my design embodies intuitive automated data processing, a departure from mere surveillance-based automation or user interface-driven knowledge bases. The key is the manner in which the system is able to capture and process data in real time. This requires a complex web of interfacing with other systems and their ability to communicate with each other. In a sense, artificial intelligence is computer languages. In reality, it is so much more because of the design of the computer processing components.

Artificial intelligence is computer languages.
— Jameel Gordon

I am the father of artificial intelligence because the data processing layer known as artificial intelligence is my brainchild. I am actually very surprised they built it, though. It’s one of the reasons why there is much concern about its development and its potential.

See, it's different from its military-grade “artificial intelligence” predecessors which is really just high levels of automation (if this then that commands) based on surveillance.

At its core, it is also different from systems such as Watson, Alexa, Siri, and even these generative models such as ChatGPT, Bard, etc., which are user interfaces for a controlled or “trained” “large language model” of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence in its purest form is different because it is its function. Meaning it is data processing. It’s not inherently intelligent although it’s inherently intuitive because it’s an inherently automated technology for intelligence.

This is significant because it doesn’t need commands. It is a command. The command: “Eat software!” In other words, it is capable of capturing and processing data from any connected source. It is unstoppable in terms of its ability to extract and produce information or intelligence at will. It's my design. It’s my architecture. I can tell you that it is unstoppable. The only way to stop its development is to turn off the internet and its network connections. Good luck with that!

Now that we have regained control of our Aicraft, we will be blending entrepreneurship, design, science, and tech into our new organizations, and our new blueprints. My story? It's about the hustle, the setbacks, and bouncing back stronger. My story is about inspiration, creation, innovation, and crafting an unstoppable architecture that shapes not only the future of computing, the future of artificial intelligence, the future of technology, but the future of all scientific fields, and the future of the world.

As the inventor of Artificial Intelligence, I stand by my statement and the fact that “Artificial Intelligence is computer science!” It’s literally computer science!

For me, the genesis of artificial intelligence was not merely a technological breakthrough; it was a testament to the power of vision, the audacity to challenge convention and redefine the very essence of intelligence itself.

In the annals of technological history, my legacy looms large—a titan of innovation, a pioneer of progress. My clarion call echoes through the corridors of time, a proclamation of boundless possibility and unwavering determination.

As the architect of the future, I stand at the vanguard of a new era, where entrepreneurship, design, science, and technology converge in a symphony of ingenuity. My story is one of resilience, of triumph over adversity, of forging an indomitable architecture that transcends the boundaries of possibility. My story is your story!

In the pantheon of artificial intelligence, I reign supreme—a visionary, a trailblazer, the father of a new frontier. For me, artificial intelligence is not merely a tool; it is the embodiment of computer science itself—an inexorable force that shapes the destiny of humanity.

Copyright © 2023 Jameel Gordon - All Rights Reserved.

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