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Idealized AI’s Are Bad For Humanity & The Economy

It is important to avoid getting caught up in projections, whether they are human or machine-generated. We should focus on understanding and appreciating the complexity of the world and the people in it. This includes recognizing that individuals can be multifaceted and defy categorization.

Must we have an Ai for an answer for everything when we have Ai as an answer for everything? Must we have healthcare.ai, sports.ai, parental leave.ai, nerds.ai, supermodels.ai? Must we have these idealized Ai systems when we have an artificial intelligent system capable of parsing through all our ideals and biases for us?

The assumption with these idealized systems is an aged old dilemma. Is she a nerd or is she a supermodel? Must we ask such questions as a society? Have we not evolved to the point where we know that nerds are supermodels and supermodels are nerds?

The desire for idealization is a powerful force that has shaped human behavior and social structures for centuries. It is what drives us to strive for excellence, to create art and literature that reflects our dreams, and to build communities that embody our values.

However, this desire can also lead to a disconnect from reality, as we become fixated on unattainable standards of beauty, success, happiness, and now idealized offshoot of what we think is intelligence.

Our obsession with idealization is fueled by the media, which bombards us with images and messages that portray a world of flawless individuals living perfect lives. This constant barrage of idealized content can have a detrimental impact on our mental and emotional well-being, as we compare ourselves to these unattainable standards and feel inadequate as a result.

It is important to remember that the media is not a reflection of reality but a carefully constructed narrative designed to sell products and services. When this methodology of production is used to develop artificial intelligence we must be critical of their developers, recognizing that the information and messages they produce are manipulated and distorted.

Additionally, we must challenge our own desire for idealization and accept that perfection is an illusion. Instead of focusing on what we lack, we should focus on our strengths and imperfections. This will help us to develop a more realistic and healthy self-image along with producing a healthy and safe artificial intelligence technology for all.

As language models trained on massive amounts of text data, artificial intelligence are also susceptible to the influence of idealization. They are trained to produce text that is grammatically correct, informative, and engaging. However, they can also be trained to produce text that is overly positive, devoid of nuance, and lacking in critical thinking.

It is important for us to be aware of this potential bias and to strive to produce what is both accurate and balanced. We should also be open to criticism and feedback, as this can help us to improve our ability to produce meaningful and insightful intelligence.

By recognizing the power of idealization and challenging its influence on our lives, we can create a more authentic and fulfilling world for ourselves and others.

What I am saying is that these cookie cutter Ai bots and algorithms with guardrails that are guiding their responses is no different from a media company pushing stereotypes.

So in a sense they are also pushing stereotypes, one in favor of the nerd over the supermodel when nerds and supermodels can exist at the same damn time.

Even more so if the nerd is a supermodel or the supermodel is a nerd. This is what I mean by it’s important that we don’t get caught up on the projection whether human or machine. This to me is the higher ideal for humanity to stride to achieve.

It is important to recognize that stereotypes can be harmful and limiting, both for individuals and for society as a whole. We should strive to create a world where people are free to be themselves, without being constrained by preconceived notions. This includes challenging stereotypes about nerds and supermodels, as well as other stereotypes that exist in our society.

It is important to avoid getting caught up in projections, whether they are human or machine-generated. We should focus on understanding and appreciating the complexity of the world and the people in it. This includes recognizing that individuals can be multifaceted and defy categorization.

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