Are Books Still Relevant in the Age of Artificial Intelligence?

One of the things I often think about is the future of books. I recently posted about the difference between the printing press and artificial intelligence. The main difference is that while the printing press allowed us to print books, artificial intelligence allows us to print almost anything. I stand by this statement, and we're only at the dawn of artificial intelligence, with these systems developing at unprecedented rates. However, my focus lately has been on the relevance of books in the age of artificial intelligence.

It's important to note that books have been under threat since their inception. From people who believed that sharing knowledge would destroy society to the advent of the internet and its natural successor, e-books, books have faced many challenges. I once thought e-books would end the era of physical books, but they didn't. People seem to cherish the act of physically flipping through pages, finding comfort and nostalgia in it.

In the age of artificial intelligence, I believe we face a different challenge. Information, entertainment, and pleasure can now be provided with a voice or text prompt, customized instantly to the person or circumstances. This presents a new challenge for books. As an aspiring writer and a voracious reader, I wonder if books will remain relevant. Observing my own use of artificial intelligence platforms, I think books as a medium may have finally met their match. They might end up like vinyl records, cherished for nostalgia but not widely used.

I still read physical books, mainly for relaxation. For serious information or to be cleverly informed about a topic, I engage a chatbot or two and find their performance incredible. Even as an aspiring author, I hesitate to invest time and effort in writing a book, questioning its necessity and relevance. Much of the heavy lifting in my writing process is done by artificial intelligence systems. I use them for research, fact-checking, editing, and proofreading, making my creative process much more efficient. Their assistance has been a game-changer.

I have many books in the pipeline, but if people use artificial intelligence systems as extensively as I do, I don't think my books are necessary. While AI can be a powerful tool for research and information gathering, books do still offer a unique experience that goes beyond just data. They can provide depth, analysis, narrative flow, and emotional connection that AI-generated content might struggle to replicate at the moment. I'm giving this more thought and would love to hear your perspectives. I'll share more as my thoughts develop.

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

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