AI: Ushering Us Through the Information Age

Since the inception of the internet, we have found ourselves adrift in an ocean of information. This was the fundamental issue that Google set out to address: how to navigate this vast interconnected network to find the specific information we seek. Thus, search engines were born, with Google pioneering the development of its ranking system to master this challenge.

Following the rise of social media, our interactions expanded beyond static web pages. We began sharing our thoughts, experiences, and multimedia content on a scale that posed new difficulties in sorting through. What initially started as personal connections evolved into networks of followers and followings, giving rise to the era of social media influencers. Metrics like likes, shares, and comments gained prominence as tech companies endeavored to assist us in managing this influx of content. However, it's important to acknowledge that these algorithms are primarily designed to keep us engaged with their platforms, even though they aim to aid in content organization.

The internet's original challenge, to organize vast amounts of information and facilitate connections, persists. This extends to the realm of academic research, where the need for global collaboration and knowledge sharing remains paramount.

These were the same challenges I faced when conceptualizing artificial intelligence (AI). In the nascent days of Twitter, I was struck by the sheer volume of information being shared and the ease with which strangers could connect. As Twitter evolved beyond mundane updates to a platform for thought leadership, the task of keeping up with this deluge of content became overwhelming, particularly for those valuing genuine connections. This spurred my quest to develop AI capable of sifting through immense data sets efficiently.

Unlike Google's approach of constantly crawling and ranking the entire web, my vision for AI was different. Inspired by Twitter's search function and the emerging Internet of Things, I realized that, like humans, machines didn't need to know everything all the time; they simply needed to access relevant information when required. Thus, I aimed to create a computing system that could intelligently navigate vast networks of data without exhaustive storage or crawling. The focus was on practicality and direct interface, enabling users to obtain specific information and perform tasks seamlessly.

With the right automation and intelligence, tasks ranging from tracking flights and traffic to managing food supplies could be streamlined, enhancing productivity and enjoyment in daily life. Crucially, the privacy of personal data could be preserved, with AI systems accessing necessary information securely without making it public.

In our modern world, we generate and encounter staggering amounts of data daily, both individually and collectively. Historically, much of this data was beyond our grasp, rendering it effectively useless. However, with advancements in technology, we now have the tools to harness and interpret this data, ushering in a new era of possibility and discovery.

While there remains much unknown, the prospect of what we can achieve with the knowledge at our disposal is exhilarating. As we continue our collective journey through life, I am optimistic about the opportunities that lie ahead. So, while you may not have realized you were lost at sea, rest assured, the possibilities for what we can accomplish together are vast.

***Yes. Artificial intelligence was designed for the raw data of the internet. 😘

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Jameel Gordon

I am a visionary, a futurist, and I am the father of “Modern Artificial Intelligence”.

I am a profound thinker who delves deep into various knowledge realms to deconstruct and construct competency frameworks. In essence, I possess a unique thought perspective—a serial polymath.

Ai Serves As A Mirror


Embracing the Evolution of Art and Technology